Category Archives: Uncategorized

This Is What Dreams Are Made Of

What was your childhood obsession? Perhaps it was a TV show that you watched every afternoon when you came home from school. Perhaps it was a video game that you escaped into whenever things got bad. Perhaps it was a … Continue reading

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Quick Update

Hello to all! This post is gonna be really short and sweet, since my weekend was a bit abbreviated (due to the delay mentioned in last week’s post). Most of the group I was traveling with left on Thursday, but … Continue reading

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God is Good All the Time, and All the Time God is Good

Here’s a little secret, friends: I can be a witch with a capital B (if you catch my drift). I’m sure my grandparents and parents won’t necessarily appreciate the sentiment above, but it’s just the honest truth. Sometimes, I even … Continue reading

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A Comedy of Errors

I mean, really, how hard can it be to get to Ireland? Apparently, the answer is HARD. Very, very hard. The saga started two weeks ago, when Leah and I first booked our plane tickets for Dublin. Diana, Emily, Leah, … Continue reading

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Well folks, it’s been one heck of a week since my last post. In the past seven days, I’ve begun to fully realize how ridiculously blessed I am to be here and to be with these people. I can’t believe … Continue reading

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Be Still, O My Soul

Hi, everybody! I’m gonna warn you guys up front- this blog post is gonna be a lot more honest and deep than the last two have been, so if you’re not into that (I actually hate it), then no hard … Continue reading

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Austria is not like the United States. There you go- there’s your huge piece of wisdom you’ve been waiting for, straight from my computer to your eyes. You’re shocked, right?  I’m being sarcastic, of course, but the statement is true- … Continue reading

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The Adventure Begins

Hello to all! The past few days (not even a week yet!) have been an absolute whirlwind. Currently, I’m sitting in my apartment in Vienna, Austria, typing these words on my computer at 12:48 a.m. while life in this city … Continue reading

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